Basic Concepts and Principles
Before you should recommend supplements to a patient, they need to know some important concepts and principles to make them receptive to your recommendations. The more they know, the more likely they will be to accept your recommendations and continue taking supplements long after their primary complaint has resolved. They will also be much more likely to recommend your nutritional service if they know why supplements are so important.
Getting Started with Wholisitic Nutrition
Introduces Dr. Gaeta, your Expert Nutrition Advisor, and explains why patients should be interested in taking nutritional supplements.
Why Supplementation Is Necessary
Explains how our food supply lacks the nutrients needed to meet the demands we face today, and how supplementation is the only way to make up the difference.
Nutrition Gives You Better Results
Explains how important having adequate nutrition is to restoring and maintaining your patients' health in your treatment program.
The Benefits of Expert Nutritional Guidance
Explains why getting expert advice is so much more beneficial than choosing supplements on you own.
Natural vs Synthetic
Explains the difference between whole food supplements and man-made synthetic supplements so patients know the value of the supplements you will recommend.
Why Standard Process
Explains what Standard Process does to assure their supplements are the best in the world.
Why I've Chosen Standard Process
Explains how Michael has come to believe Standard Process and MediHerb are the best supplements available and why patients should be optimistic about the benefits they can provide.
Benefits and Safety of Herbal Medicine
Explains what herbal medicine is and how safe and effective they are, especially when compared to prescription medication.
Herbal Quality and Mediherb
Explains why Michael believes MediHerb are the best herbs available anywhere in the world.
The Risks of Buying Supplements Online
Explains why buying supplements online or without the help of expert advice can be a total waste of money, and worse, prevent you from getting the benefits you actually need from fresh, high-quality products.
How to Use the Supplement Tray
Explains how to use the supplement tray so you don't have to.
Not Just for You Everyone Needs Whole-Food Nutrition
This encourages the patient to share what they've learned in the above videos with their friends and family.
Protomorphogens: How They Work
This explains what protomorphogens are, and should be viewed whenever you recommend this type of supplement to a patient.
Animal Tissues and SP Product Safety
This video should be recommended anytime a patient has a concern about the use of animal tissues in any of the products you recommend.
Gluten and Standard Process
This should be viewed by any patient who is allergic or has any concern about the use of gluten in the supplements you recommend.
Soy and Standard Process
This should be viewed by any patient who is allergic or has any concern about the use of soy in the supplements you recommend.
How to Buy Food
Explains what patients should look for when they're shopping, how to read labels, and general ideas about eating a healthy diet.
This explains Michael's relationship with Standard Process and MediHerb to establish his complete independence and credibility.
Zinc Taste Test
This is an instruction video to explain to your patient exactly how to do the zinc taste test on their own, and recommends they get the rest of their family to do the test as well. This is also a good way to get other family members to find out if they should be under your care.
Thyroid Temperature
This explains to the patient how to perform the thyroid temperature test at home so you don't have to. This is also a good way to get other family members to find out if they should be under your care.
General Health Nutritional Support
This video explains that there are certain supplements everyone should take in order to meet at least basic nutritional needs. Each supplement is explained in detail in the videos below. We also explain that now that they know the importance of these supplements, they should share what they know with friends and family.
Optimum Health Nutritional Support
This video explains that there are certain supplements everyone should take to achieve and maintain optimum health. Each supplement is explained in detail in the videos below. We also explain that now that they know the importance of these supplements, they should share what they know with friends and family.
Individual Product Videos
Regardless of the supplement you recommend, you will be able to ask your patient to view the video that explains in detail what is in the supplement and why it is so important to your patient's health.
Nutritional Support For Specific Conditions
These videos explain how nutritional support can aid in the restoration of specific complaints or conditions. As your patient searches for the condition you asked them to view, they will also see that you are able to provide nutritional support for all the other conditions as well. As they improve under your care, they will realize that anyone they know or meet who has just about any condition should be referred to you.
Health Maintenance Support
Michael explains why these programs should be recommended to every patient at some point in their treatment program.
Systems Survey
You will learn how to use the System Survey and simply recommend your patient view the video for the appropriate group. These videos explain how the survey helps you determine what the most important area to support is at this time and gives them the understanding that their program will change as they improve.
Patient Referral / Success Story System
The entire ENA service is designed to educate patients and encourage them to refer friends and family to your practice. The more they realize the importance of your nutritional service, the more likely they are to use our tool to share what they know.
Branded web page for patients to share with others
We will provide you with a branded web page your patents can share with friends and family. It will give recipients access to all the "Important Concept" videos available at your particular level. The page will include the name of your practice, contact information, and any special offer you make available to potential new patients.
Share Important Concepts
Your patients will be able to share any of the important concepts videos they view with friends and family. When they do, the recipients receive a link to a page branded for your practice that includes your contact information and any special offer you would like to provide. Although your patient may be prompted to share one particular video, when they do the recipient receives access to all the important concepts at your level.
Patients can share their success stories about your professional service and nutritional program
In addition to sharing important concepts, in level 2 and 3 we also encourage and make it easy for patients to share the success of your care with their friends and family. Personal referrals are the best way to grow a practice.
Practice Expansion Program
This seven step program teaches how to begin and expand the nutritional portion of your practice, with or without the ENA service. Practicitioners learn everything they need to understand and do to begin recommending supplements the very first day. By the end of the program they will be able to function as if they had been in practice recommending supplements for many years. We explain exactly how using Expert Nutrition Adviser this can be done spending very little of the doctor's valuable time.
Introduction and Basic Knowledge
Michael explains how adding and growing a nutritional component to your practice can help your practice grow by expanding the services you can offer your patients. He shares key procedures that can make adding nutrition a simple process.
Educate Before Making Patient Recommendations
The better you educate patients on the need and value of supplements, they easier it is to offer them a program they will comply with. This is also one of the best ways to generate referrals.
Offer General & Optimum Health Programs
There are only two reasons practitioners don't recommend supplements to patients, time and lack of expertise. These are no longer valid reasons. Michael suggests you simply start recommending the General Health, Daily Fundamental Packets to every patient.
Every Patient Wellness Programs
The Every Person Wellness Programs will improve the health of every patient, supporting the restoration of health or preventing the development of specific health issues. These programs will establish you as someone your patients should see to stay healthy rather than only after their health fails.
Condition and Symptom Nutritional Support
Recommending supplements to support patients with specific conditions is simple once you know which supplements to recommend. You can either use the protocols Michael recommends to his patients or your own. If you have a level 3 subscription, simply check off the condition or your own protocol and ask your patient to visit your site.
How to Use the Systems Survey Form
Using the systems survey is as simple as asking your patient to fill out the survey, determining which group they are in, and recommending the appropriate presentations. I will explain what the survey is, how it’s used, and what their findings mean. It’s that easy.
The Nutritional Exam
There are a number ways to take the guess work out of determining what supplements will provide the most value for your patients at any particular point in time. You now know how to offer protocols based on general and optimal health, a specific condition, or a systems survey. This step in our Practice Expansion Program will give additional tools to assess your patients.